If you have an electronic file ready for printing, email it to us with your instructions of how you want it printed. We will confirm receipt of your file(s) and email you with any questions or suggestions on your files. We ask that you list your contact, phone number as well as email address (if different from email on file) with your order. If your order is a large file contact us regarding having it downloaded to us.
If your file is hardcopy and needs to be picked up or has items that need picked up, call or email us with these arrangements. We pick up your job, run it and deliver back to your business. If it is a job that is run on a regular time frame, we keep track of your employees in a team effor to make sure that everyone is ready to keep it running in a timely manner. We handle your small volume jobs as well as the high volume jobs Our trained printing and technical staff makes sure your deadlines are met with quality printing.